Your Last Minute Christmas Party Planning Checklist

We are officially in Christmas party season! Which is great if you’ve already organised your office Christmas party – but not quite as joyful a prospect if nothing’s been planned, and suddenly you’ve been lumped with the task of making it happen.

Sound familiar? For you, the team at Venuemob have whipped up a last minute Christmas party planning checklist to get you through December unscathed.

1. Figure out what your non-negotiables are

This first step is arguably the most important one. Know exactly what you need from your Christmas party and your venue, because it will impact the entire process of planning your event. Decide from the get-go whether those items on your list fall under ‘must have’ or ‘that’d be great’.

Your very-much-confirmed budget could be the non-negotiable. It could be the date of the event. It could be accessibility requirements, or menu items (vegetarian, Kosher or Halal, for instance).

Identifying your non-negotiables and must-haves early will make the rest of the process of planning your last minute office Christmas party SO much easier.

The team at Venuemob recommend that you work out your ‘non negotiables’ for your event. For example – an outdoor space for guests to relax and mingle might be a ‘non negotiable’ when selecting your perfect venue – like this gorgeous private courtyard at the Immigration Museum in Melbourne’s CBD.

2. Find some venue options

You’re running out of time, and key dates are getting booked out. You could rack your brains for appropriate venues, contacting them one by one. Or you could book the venue everyone’s sick of – again. Or, you could access best options in one spot. Complete with imagery, availability information (vital), function package and menu information, and a rundown of minimum spend requirements for all spaces.

Venuemob – both as a website and an in-house team to assist larger corporate groups – is adept in finding the perfect venue for teams and groups organising last minute Christmas parties. Our tip? Get connected with available venues that suit your budget, with just a click.

Venuemob makes finding your ideal Christmas party venue stress free.
Venue – Melbourne Gallery at Melbourne Museum, Carlton.

3. Is the venue convenient?

This might seem like a no-brainer, but venue location is worthy of its own item in the last minute Christmas party planning checklist. Is the venue conveniently located for your colleagues or guests? Where is it in relation to your office, and public transport options? How far will they have to stumble post-party? The distance guests have to travel to reach the party often influences how many people actually attend, and how much of a good time they have.

4. Ask the right questions

First up? That’s easy. Ask the venue about your non-negotiables.

Next, we recommend the following questions – depending on your requirements, of course.

  • What are our catering options? Is there a bar tab option?
  • How much time will you have for set-up and packdown?
  • Realistically, will guests be comfortable in the space, or will they be squished?
  • What’s included in the cost of the venue hire or min spend?
  • Until what time will we have access to the venue / space?
  • If you need AV – will you need to pay more?
  • If you need an exclusive space – will the public be able to see inside / have access to your space?

5. Organise food and drinks

Important checklist item ahead! How many times have you been to an event and thought afterwards ‘gosh, it was fun – but I wish there had been more food’? Avoid those pitfalls by ensuring you budget and plan appropriately, even when you’re in the throes of last minute Christmas party planning.

Will your guests need lunch? Lunch AND dinner? If you’re planning on serving canapés at your event, how many pieces will your guests need to make sure their tummies are lined? Consider when your event starts, and how long you expect festivities to run.

Same goes for drinks! Beverage packages provide more bang for your buck, and can be limited to a particular number of hours for service – this is a great option for when you have a very specific start and end time, and when you have a large number of guests.

More casual? Chuck some money on a bar tab, and let your colleagues buy their own drinks when it runs out. Easy.

6. Make sure guests are going to have fun!

Be honest. Are your colleagues going to need a helping hand to get mingling and chatting amongst different departments? If the answer’s yes, we recommend including an activity in the day’s festivities: go karting, an escape room, or other hands-on, fun experiences. You could even choose a venue that comprises both an activity, AND the food and booze everyone’s looking forward to.

For other teams, the only the thing they’ll need to have a great time is a great soundtrack. If you’re planning on bringing your own music or playlist, double check whether your venue is able to provide an aux cord and speakers, and that you can in fact play your own tunes.

Similarly – if you’re organising a band or DJ, chat to your chosen venue about your plan well in advance so you’re not caught facepalming in frustration on the night.

Want your event to be talked about for years to come? Some venues can provide activities to incorporate into your event such as Melbourne Museum that offers a range of bespoke experiences that will engage and delight your party guests.
Image: Stewie Donn Photography, Melbourne Museum

7. Tee up an after-party venue

This will depend entirely on the vibe and average age of your guestlist, but you may want to consider organising an after-party venue. If that’s the case, here’s the Venuemob hot tip: avoid playing it by ear on the night.

Nothing takes the wind out of a group’s party sails quite like standing on a street corner trying to decide which direction to take, or waiting in line at a club!

Whether it’s a reserved VIP booth or an entire semi-exclusive section of a bar, make sure it’s a done deal before the date of your office Christmas party. It might even be worth sending out an email to your team during the party planning process to gauge how many guests are keen, and which venues they’d prefer for kick-ons.

So. What are you waiting for? Go forth and lock in your last minute Christmas party, and deliver an event that runs like a planned-months-in-advance Christmas party.

With Venuemob on your side, you’ll be sinking a bev (or five) and enjoying a tasty morsel (or ten) in the perfect venue in no time.

Check out Christmas party venues on Venuemob >>


For all your festive season event hire needs – contact the friendly team at Complete Function Hire today.